Wednesday, April 14, 2010

51 ~ Where Is Sex Positivism?

I am currently reading when I'm waiting for whatever it is I'm waiting for. The stories on their amuse me.

But after the first several dozen pages I read, I began to notice a trend: how much pain could be saved if heteronormative wasn't the only option.

And now, even further along, another observation is much stronger: AMERICAN WOMEN ARE COMPLACENT WITH THEIR BOYFRIENDS.

Do we live in the dark ages, where having a man justified whatever abuse and neglect it resulted in? He beats me, cheats on me, insults me, and hates me, but at least I'm not a spinster!

Fuck. This. Shit.

I do not identify with the term "feminist." It is very difficult to label me, so I take what words fit a piece of me, and I run with them. I have hated the term "feminism" since I stopped hating men, circa my fourteenth year of life. Isms are bad in general, because they lend so well into extremism, and such a great concept as women's rights being perverted into anti-male enraged me beyond belief. And still does. But now there's a new term--sex-positive. Groovy!

If only women could see themselves.

Not all women, of course, but a majority that shouldn't be so major. Because in addition to complacency comes ignorance. Females, on a biological level, are attracted to confidence; confidence is more likely to be associated with a man capable of providing for offspring. TRUE confidence is extremely sexy. Girls don't know that ASSHOLE does not equal CONFIDENCE. Usually quite the opposite (not counting cases such as my father, who is an ass, but knows it, and is lovable anyway).

Females of our society suffer for the lack of knowledge of their OPTIONS. They know they have a CHOICE, but not knowing how many choices are available is the same as not being able to choose. Getting stuck with heterosexual, monogamous relationships ONLY, and not knowing that you CAN have something else, is one such rut.

Rose, my best friend, is both of these things, but she knows she has a choice, and she chose this. She also knows that she deserves to be treated with respect, she knows she deserves a man who finds her attractive and cares about what she has to say, and another important quality--CARES IF SHE IS ACHIEVING ORGASM.

To wrap up this rant that is getting nowhere, one entry on pissed me off more than any of the others (though not by much):

Today, me and my girlfriend were watching some show about sex on the discovery channel. The topic of female orgasms came up and she said, "Wow, I wonder what that's like?" We've been dating and sexually active for three years. FML

That, to me, epitomizes what is wrong in American female culture. FUCK THAT SHIT. I AM HAVING ALL FUTURE PROSPECTS FILL OUT A SURVEY ON THE FIRST DATE. First question:

Are you interested in giving me orgasms? Yes/no. If no, go fuck yourself.



    Well, I put up with way too much in my earlier relationships. I just realized afterward how stupid I was. I hope these stupid girls will also realize that they need to grow a brain.

  2. When do I NOT mention you?

    Exactly! You've learned! I learned by the experiences of others! THEY NEED TO GROW A BRAIN RIGHT NOW.
