Friday, February 5, 2010

23 ~ I'm Feminist?

I don't like isms. Nothing good ever comes from extreme points of view, not directly anyway. Even zealots that agree with me--probably especially zealots that agree with me--are creeptastic. They only hurt my argument. They are the worst of any cause, very few of which are inherently bad.

I used to be a "man-hater"--I didn't trust men, I didn't like men, and I had good reason. I grew out of that, obviously, but a lot of women don't. Lesbians in particular. Who then look down on me for being bisexual. That is the type I associate with feminism--the hardcore women who degrade housewives and the like, which is utter bullshit. I believe in CHOICE, and hardcore feminism is just as repressive as their counterparts.

Most religions piss me off more for their patriarchal undertones than for their other beliefs. You don't like homosexuality? Fine, whatever. Why not? Because every woman needs a man? FUCK THAT SHIT!

I do NOT need a man. I want a man, I do not need one. Upon telling my father this, he said: "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."


I am pro-women, and pro-men, and pro-choice. I am very pro-things rather than anti-things (though I have plenty antis in me, but I try to tone them down; negativity will give you cancer). The term sex positive comes to mind :) And Christianity and Islam and Judaism, on the whole, in worst case scenarios, when I come into contact with them, are NOT sex positive. In fact, most people aren't; either that or they are indifference, which is often worse. And that drives me insane.

All this came to mind when I debated with my Muslim friend on the bus the other day. Most of what we discussed was homosexuality, because "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve; if He had wanted people to be gay, he would have made them that way in the first place." UGH, I get angry just thinking about that.

"God took part of Adam to make Eve, which is why women are so strong when it comes to childbirth."

Yeah. I wanted to slap him so hard. But I resisted. And now I want to scream at him. Thankfully I don't talk to him much :)

So yes, I am feminist, and discombobulated, but emotionally on the mend, so oh well! :D


  1. I think a lot of people these days are feminist. You don't need to be crazy about it. They're just as bad as the haters, 'cause essentially they're haters, too.

    And your dad says the greatest things EVER! XD

  2. The term sex-positive is better, methinks.


    Yep. Hate is icky, even if they hate on the people that ruin lives.

    I KNOW. It's a classic quote I've known since I was little. I need it on a t-shirt that on the back reads "I just WANT a bicycle!"
