Monday, March 1, 2010

32 ~ Sodom/Gomorrah

The Biblical tales of immorality leading to destruction are numerous. The most obvious one, at least to me, is the Romans, because they are the only culture that recorded their history from the beginning to the end, so we can clearly see and study how they declined.

I agree that they were immoral. The gladiators, the vomitoriums, all of that behavior that led to them weakening from the inside out were indeed what caused their downfall.

However, sex is not immoral. So when people say that our culture is crumbling because of sexuality, I can't help but laugh.

Irresponsibility is immoral. Excess is immoral. Cruelty is immoral. And while these things can be seen through the filter of sexuality, sexuality is NOT inherently immoral.

I simply do not understand the people who say it is.

Sex is beautiful. Sex creates life, for one thing, and it can result in pleasure, and connection, and communication. These things are very moral. Whethere it's polyamorous or homosexual or BDSM doesn't matter.

Saying all sex is immoral is like saying all sex is rape--it simply isn't true, and no sane persion thinks it is.

My lifestyle is not threatened by the Bible, because I don't just look at Christianity's viewpoint. There was a world before Christ, and there will be one after Christ. Yes, our society is threatened. Yes, we need major reform. But that has as much to do with sex as we do--it is only part of the whole.

It outright ENRAGES me when I hear it implied, or speak to someone who insists that these things--homosexuality, transgenderism, feminism, equality, freedom, gay marriage--are wrong, so wrong that they should be punished, and that those who practice them deserve the horrors that can befall them.

I do not care if you disagree with me on these topics, I do not care if you think I am going to hell, I DO NOT CARE IF YOU HATE ME, but when that hate begins to impact my life...when that judgement hurts innocent people...when that intolerance causes pain to the ones I love, I stop being so accepting of your faults. NO ONE deserves to hurt others for their beliefs, NO ONE, not me, not the government, not anybody. God is the only one who can judge others.

Have you forgotten your religion's core tenants so easily, or do they only exist when they are impact you, not when you want to do the opposite?

Fuck them all. And NOT in the good way.

Note: Inspired by reading comments on some entry of Sexie Sadie's.

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