Wednesday, March 10, 2010

36 ~ Beautiful Women

All women are beautiful.

As a bisexual, and a woman, having been raised by a very heterosexual father, having a very high self-esteem, when I say this, I very much mean it.

There is something very poetic about a woman. Women don't have to be perfect to be absolutely lovely. In fact, women are preferable when not perfect. My Sam, for example, is very skinny, very boney, tall, very pale, and now very muscular. Her facial features are not classically beautiful, and she abounds with imperfections. I love them, they make her unique, they make her beautiful.

Every REAL man I have ever spoken to--I have grown up with many--is not judgemental of women. Their flaws are easily forgiven, and appreciated. All those little things that women get hung up on--cellulite, laugh lines, muffin tops, stretch marks--barely register in a man's mind. I only really notice them in myself, or in an appreciative manner.

Cellulite shows that the woman is realistic. Muffin tops show that you know how to eat. Stretch marks mean you used to be smaller or bigger, and you're beautiful now. I particularly adore stretch marks because they remind me of one of my favorite animals, the tiger. Muffin tops, too, as they are soft. Cellulite also tickles my fingertips. And laugh lines, of course, may signify age, and lively expression, and that time and wisdom and life lived in quite beautiful.

Sorry, guys, but my standards for women are less particular. When it comes to having sex with a woman, if I was going to start again (which I probably would because gawd I've been celibate for a while), I am not too picky. I see beauty in almost every woman I meet. Women are nonthreatening, and fascinating. With men, there is that cautious factor that I can't get over quickly enough to do a one-night stand, I can't be alone with a man soon after meeting him.

I am writing again, and women are on my mind; strong, beautiful women. The only kind in my life--ain't I a lucky bitch ;)