Saturday, March 6, 2010

34 ~ Girl Code

Last I checked, guys had a sort of "guy code" when it came to dating. Basically, you don't fuck another guy's girl or ex-girl or sister, if you are his friend (without asking first). The decent ones, anyway.

Girls are much less civilized.

My closest girl friends either don't date, are awesome, or would never date another friend's ex. When Rose was dating her ex, I developed a crush on him. I felt terrible about it. She was awesome, basically saying, "I tell you EVERYTHING, of course you're attracted to him too ;)"

But I would NEVER have pursued him, even if I lived near her, not even when they broke up. It's called not being a horrible friend.

Well, apparently, I am the minority.

Cat dated my ex, K. I gave her the A-OK--afterall, we were never serious about each other, and she didn't know he was my ex when she met him. But she also told me if I hadn't approved, she would have done it anyway.

Now she is dating our friend Bunny's ex, Casey. Who she still has feelings for. And she found out this guy only dated our friend to get close to her. And she "yelled at him."

Um, what the fuck?

First of all, she is a shitty friend. Second of all, she is a heinous bitch. Third of all, she is a skank. (The last statement is unadulterated fact--only topped by how much skankier he is. Ewww!)

Is it just me, or can girls suck so much worse? Guys may be violent, but girls are emotional terrorists.

I fuckin' hate women sometimes.


  1. Girls do fuckin' mind games. We're mental terrorists. And it's fun to laugh at via Dane Cook's sketch on us women being brain ninjas, but it really is terrible. We play with each other's emotions, hold onto grudges, yadayada. A lot of girls are catty bitches.

    It's a good thing we're different and awesome. <3

    And guys can get into a fistfight and forgive each other right afterward. What do girls do? Ignore each other...for long periods of time. >.>

  2. At least we got it out of our system. Cat hasn't >.> Grrr!!!
