Sunday, January 17, 2010

12 ~ Mr. Right

We already know that I know nothing, but in my secondary fantasies--the ones in which I am forced to give up on Kaleb--I imagine my future husband, my perfect mate, like this...

He is the antithesis of what I'm attracted to emotionally. He is not an alpha male, but he is strong. He's not aggressive, but he's also not a pushover. He's subtle, and quiet, and sweet--the opposite of me. We fit together flawlessly. He listens when I babble, he is charmed by my flaws, he is able to calm me down and keep me sane. When I have the weight of dozens of worlds on my shoulders, he lets me cry on his, and he pets my hair and rubs my back and whispers sweet everythings in my ear. He can stand up to me, handle me, especially when I get a little crazy.

Physically he is, of course, my perfect male. Possibly Irish. Tall, and slender, but toned, with tousled hair and soulful eyes, possibly green. He has a soft and sexy voice and he never gets mad at me, just frustrated or annoyed. (Who doesn't?) He talks me down from my rages and gets distracted when I walk into a room. Essentially, he is my opposite--quite masculine, but with feminine softness. I am utterly comfortable with him, and I can tell him almost everything. (Everything everything is reserved for Rose, of course. It's how girl's work.) He understands this and goes to her for advice on me. He knows me inside and out ;) and I know him, too. He'll be the stay-at-home dad and I'll be supermom until I burn out...and he picks me back up again.

I love him insanely.

His latest name is William. Where are you, my William?

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Before. Not in lieu of. GOD DO I NEED ME SOME DICK, DAMMIT.

