Wednesday, January 13, 2010

8 ~ Sexie Sadie

I started this blog, pseudonym and all, because of a very fabulous lady, my favorite sex-blogger, my favorite BLOGGER, the only one I follow religiously--Ms. Sexie Sadie. is ABSOLUTELY A-FUCKING-MAZING!!!

On my search for all things poly, I came across her blog somehow. I don't remember the specifics, and I don't much care, because I am forever grateful.

It's not just nonmonogamy that she talks about and that I learned about (and am still learning about) from reading her blog. It is life and love and her and emotional health and dealing with addiction and, most importantly, MARRIAGE.

I will be the first person to admit that I don't know everything. Not even CLOSE. It's the source of my "enlightenment."

Aggy, why are you so awesome and mature and wise and composed? some people ask. (Or, at least, they SHOULD, because I AM, and because Rose gets asked that, and we are so very similar.)

Because I know I don't know shit, and I'm totally cool with that.

Also because my main motto is "No regrets!" and I am always learning.

I love learning.

Through Ms Sadie's blog, I learn about her, and through her I learn about myriad things. The most prevalent one is marriage.

I grew up with real-life happily-ever-afters. Strong, lasting, growing, beautiful marriages between amazing people. It's why I know true love exists and marriage can work. Sadie reinforces this.

And through her I see the complexities and intricacies and details of such a marriage (though, of course, not all of them, and, of course, not a traditional one--not that "tradition" factors into my life, um, AT ALL). And the knowledge has absolutely FLOORED me.

It's all well and good to know the theory of marriage. Hard work, communication, real-life shit to wade through, personal flaws and the flaws of the other, child-rearing, and so forth. But I have always been the child, or the child's friend, or the family friend, or a relative, or a distant observer. Reading Sadie's blog, I see a slice of her perspective, and it is completely different.

It's hard to explain, and I've been rambling long enough anyway, so the long and the short of it is...Sexie Sadie is amazing, her blog is wonderful, her writing is wonderful, through it I have found so much information and so much that is and will be relevant to my own life, and I am still a huge fan eagerly awaiting the next installment.

Also, the sex stuff? Is amazing :)

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