Sunday, January 24, 2010

17 ~ Icky Poly

First, some denotations (AKA, the Greek definitions): and my personal connotations:

Polygamy: "the practice of multiple marriage"

Polygyny: "many" + "woman/wife"

Polyandry: "many" + "man"

Polyamory: "many" + "loves"

My personal connotations:

Polygamy: One person married to more than one other. This bothers me because it's one person with many others--not many with many. Plus, it brings to mind the thought of polygyny, where one man has many wives as virtual slaves. That is not always the case, of course, but it is the best known one, and it makes me cringe to hear the word.

Polygyny: This is what most people think of when they hear polygamy. A man with multiple wives who are essentially his slaves; it's common in other cultures and alternative religious sects. It bothers me for the misogynistic tone and for the lack of balance in sexual partners.

Polyandry: I have never heard of this outside of the realm of intellect, so I have nothing to say here. It appears to be much less common, and a lot less practical from a child-bearing, satisfaction-granting perspective. One pregnancy at a time and a lot of excess sperm. Most women can't even keep up with a single man, for gods' sake! Again, I am generalizing, but it's the usual case.

Polyamory: This is what I strive for. It is a term that often reminds others of polygamy, inspiring fear and trepidation in their hearts. I don't blame them. Polygamy is too easily, and too often, abused.

I am interested in a multiple marriage--not that it can be legal in this country; not even a same sex marriage is, not really, goddammit--for the social and comfort aspects. Lots of people you love to help with bills, and sexual needs, and raising your children, to hang out with, to love, to would be awesome.

Maybe in the future it will be possible--or maybe we'll just keep it out of the eyes of legality :)

This post was inspired by a blog of Sexie Sadie's.

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