Sunday, January 10, 2010

5 ~ Knowing Compersion

I know I'm skipping around quite a bit, but I first felt that polyamory was right for me--plausible, possible, probable--when I discovered that I feel compersion.

Compersion is a polyamory term that corresponds to the feeling of pleasure or joy because a partner is experiencing it, though their source is one outside yourself.

Sam has a boyfriend, and not only do I feel absolutely no jealousy, I feel downright happy to know she has someone to spend time with and have fun with while I am unavailable.

Plus, he knows about us and is perfectly amenable.

Not only did I experience compersion, I experienced it even after Cat was the one to tell me first that Sam had a boyfriend. (I finally, after several weeks, know his damn name--Edward. And he's super cute, of course; we would accept nothing less.) I was totally unphased. Essentially, my response was, "I love her, I trust her, and we agreed to date outside one another. Her not telling me doesn't mean anything. It's her life, and I'm happy for her."

This new direction I am taking feels juuust right.


  1. WHY ARE YOU SO COOL? Oh wait--'cause you are.

    This sounds all official and everything with the definition of compersion. xD I had no idea what that was. (I had never even heard of it before, but I don't really know much about polyamory. :P)

  2. This is why you are my bestie.

    That IS what I am aiming for. I can't believe I hadn't talked to you about it before...well, yeah, I can, but still. And duh you don't, I don't feel the need to talk about it much; it's not like you won't accept and love me no matter what.

    Hence the blog :)

  3. Compersion is a fantastic thing to feel - and your explanation and description of it was just excellent. Welcome to the poly blogging world!

    xx Dee

  4. Thank you so much! I'm quite flattered :)
